Connect and expand
Face the future with confidence
Axios graduates go on to top-tier colleges, but this is not our focus—it is a result of the type of individual we develop. At Axios, our upper school students excel both academically and in life. Deep integration of all subjects in High School results in a “real world” view that prepares students for college and to fulfill their God-given purpose.
Your future is bright
High school is a fun and exciting time. As the transition to adulthood, high school can also include a feeling of uneasiness or uncertainty about your future. You deserve an environment where you have strong friendships, are treated with respect, can ask the tough, honest questions about life, form and strengthen your worldview, and learn from exceptional teachers who truly care about you.
We want to see you succeed…we want to see you accomplish your goals. Your life will count for something and make a difference, and we want you to feel confident about the decisions you make. Not only will you be prepared academically, but you will have the freedom and privileges at Axios as you seek to become all that God intends you to be.
We care, we’re here to listen, and we’ll lend some perspective.
Your classes in the Upper School will be the highlight of your experience at Axios. Our science, arts, and humanities classes offer exceptional opportunities for intellectual growth and learning and the distinct characteristics of our classical model prepare you for success in college and beyond.
We seek to prepare students for life
In the context of a Christian Classical education, the experience of your students in our Upper School is like lighting a fire! All the basic skills and building blocks have been laid through Lower & Middle School. This approach to education encourages deeper thinking. The course of study becomes more involved with a greater integration of subjects, and increased reliance on self-motivation, and higher expectations for active participation. Due to the previously completed work in Lower and Middle Schools, students are confident, enthusiastic and prepared.
The power of this model of education is on full display in the students’ excitement for learning, exploring, and discussing, and in the expansion of their knowledge, wisdom, and ability to discern for themselves. In specific disciplines, such as math and the sciences, the distinct classical training is particularly potent as an emphasis is placed on understanding and synthesizing concepts and information.